United States and Canadian Cattle and Sheep

ISSN: 1949-1859

Released March 5, 2015, by the National Agricultural Statistics Service 
(NASS), Agricultural Statistics Board, United States Department of 
Agriculture (USDA).

United States and Canadian Cattle Inventory Up 1 Percent

All cattle and calves in the United States and Canada combined totaled 101.7 
million head on January 1, 2015, up 1 percent from the 100.7 million on 
January 1, 2014. All cows and heifers that have calved, at 43.8 million head, 
were up 1 percent from a year ago.
All cattle and calves in the United States as of January 1, 2015, totaled 
89.8 million head, 
1 percent above the 88.5 million on January 1, 2014. All cows and heifers 
that have calved, at 39.0 million head, were up 2 percent from a year ago.

All cattle and calves in Canada as of January 1, 2015, totaled 11.9 million 
head, down 2 percent from the 12.2 million on January 1, 2014. All cows and 
heifers that have calved, at 4.78 million, were down 2 percent from a year 

United States and Canadian Sheep Inventory Up Slightly 

All sheep and lambs in the United States and Canada combined totaled 6.14 
million head on January 1, 2015, up slightly from the 6.12 million on January 
1, 2014. Breeding sheep, at 4.58 million head, were up slightly from a year 
ago and market sheep and lambs, at 1.56 million head, were down slightly from 
last year.
All sheep and lambs in the United States as of January 1, 2015, totaled 5.28 
million head, 
1 percent above the 5.25 million head on January 1, 2014. Breeding sheep, at 
3.94 million head, were up 1 percent from a year ago, while market sheep and 
lambs, at 1.35 million head, were unchanged from last year.

All sheep and lambs in Canada as of January 1, 2015, totaled 859 thousand 
head, down 
2 percent from last year's number of 875 thousand. Breeding sheep, at 648 
thousand head, were down 2 percent from last year. Market sheep and lambs, at 
211 thousand head, were down 1 percent from a year ago.

Cattle and Calf Inventory by Class and Calf Crop - United States and Canada:
January 1, 2010-2013
                  Class                 :  2010   :  2011   :  2012   :  2013   
                                        :              1,000 head               
Cattle and calves ......................:106,751.2 105,042.4 103,405.2 102,400.2
Cows and heifers that have calved ......: 45,718.6  45,079.3  44,465.8  43,748.2
  Beef cows ............................: 35,665.9  34,958.1  34,271.9  33,566.5
  Milk cows ............................: 10,052.7  10,121.2  10,193.9  10,181.7
All other cattle .......................: 61,032.6  59,963.1  58,939.4  58,652.0
Calf crop 1/ ...........................: 40,497.6  39,997.1  38,930.8  38,246.3
1/  January to December calf crop.                                              
Source: National Agricultural Statistics Service and Livestock and Animal       
Products Section, Statistics Canada.                                            

Cattle and Calf Inventory by Class and Calf Crop - United States and Canada:
January 1, 2014 and 2015
[Blank data cells indicate estimation period has not yet begun]
                                        :            :            :  2015 as   
                  Class                 :    2014    :    2015    :  percent   
                                        :            :            :  of 2014   
                                        : ----- 1,000 head -----     percent   
Cattle and calves ......................: 100,746.0    101,715.0       101     
Cows and heifers that have calved ......:  43,155.6     43,781.1       101     
  Beef cows ............................:  32,988.7     33,517.5       102     
  Milk cows ............................:  10,166.9     10,263.6       101     
All other cattle .......................:  57,590.4     57,933.9       101     
Calf crop 1/ ...........................:  38,498.5                    (X)     
(X)  Not applicable.                                                           
1/ January to December calf crop.                                              
Source: National Agricultural Statistics Service and Livestock and Animal      
Products Section, Statistics Canada.                                           

Cattle and Calf Inventory by Class and Calf Crop - United States:
January 1, 2010-2013
                  Class                 :  2010   :  2011   :  2012   :  2013   
                                        :              1,000 head               
Cattle and calves ......................:94,081.2  92,887.4  91,160.2  90,095.2 
Cows and heifers that have calved ......:40,526.4  40,068.2  39,517.4  38,852.5 
  Beef cows ............................:31,439.9  30,912.6  30,281.9  29,631.3 
  Milk cows ............................: 9,086.5   9,155.6   9,235.5   9,221.2 
Heifers 500 pounds and over ............:19,777.8  19,649.8  19,444.8  19,255.5 
  For beef cow replacement .............: 5,443.0   5,134.6   5,280.6   5,429.2 
  For milk cow replacement .............: 4,551.2   4,577.2   4,618.0   4,545.7 
  Other heifers ........................: 9,783.6   9,938.0   9,546.2   9,280.6 
Steers 500 pounds and over .............:16,568.4  16,394.0  15,956.5  15,930.5 
Bulls 500 pounds and over ..............: 2,190.1   2,165.1   2,100.3   2,073.7 
Calves under 500 pounds ................:15,018.5  14,610.3  14,141.2  13,983.0 
Calf crop 1/ ...........................:35,739.8  35,357.2  34,469.0  33,730.0 
1/  January to December calf crop.                                              
Source: National Agricultural Statistics Service.                               

Cattle and Calf Inventory by Class and Calf Crop - United States:
January 1, 2014 and 2015
[Blank data cells indicate estimation period has not yet begun]
                                        :            :            :  2015 as   
                  Class                 :    2014    :    2015    :  percent   
                                        :            :            :  of 2014   
                                        :  ----- 1,000 head ----     percent   
Cattle and calves ......................:  88,526.0     89,800.0       101     
Cows and heifers that have calved ......:  38,293.0     39,000.0       102     
  Beef cows ............................:  29,085.4     29,693.1       102     
  Milk cows ............................:   9,207.6      9,306.9       101     
Heifers 500 pounds and over ............:  18,969.4     19,240.2       101     
  For beef cow replacement .............:   5,551.3      5,777.4       104     
  For milk cow replacement .............:   4,548.7      4,615.4       101     
  Other heifers ........................:   8,869.4      8,847.4       100     
Steers 500 pounds and over .............:  15,667.9     15,778.5       101     
Bulls 500 pounds and over ..............:   2,037.8      2,104.4       103     
Calves under 500 pounds ................:  13,557.9     13,676.9       101     
Calf crop 1/                            :  33,900.0                    (X)     
(X)  Not applicable.                                                           
1/ January to December calf crop.                                              
Source:  National Agricultural Statistics Service.                             

Cattle and Calf Inventory by Class and Calf Crop - Canada: January 1, 2010-2013
                  Class                 :  2010   :  2011   :  2012   :  2013   
                                        :              1,000 head               
Cattle and calves ......................:12,670.0  12,155.0  12,245.0  12,305.0 
Cows and heifers that have calved ......: 5,192.2   5,011.1   4,948.4   4,895.7 
  Beef cows ............................: 4,226.0   4,045.5   3,990.0   3,935.2 
  Milk cows ............................:   966.2     965.6     958.4     960.5 
Heifers 1 year and over ................: 1,953.8   1,896.0   1,948.1   1,967.2 
  For beef cow replacement .............:   505.2     510.0     521.4     542.0 
  For milk cow replacement .............:   465.1     466.3     456.9     451.2 
  Other heifers ........................:   983.5     919.7     969.8     974.0 
Steers 1 year and over .................: 1,263.8   1,203.4   1,282.6   1,248.5 
Bulls 1 year and over ..................:   226.0     214.3     213.2     210.8 
Calves under 1 year ....................: 4,034.2   3,830.2   3,852.7   3,982.8 
Calf crop 1/ ...........................: 4,757.8   4,639.9   4,461.8   4,516.3 
1/ January to December calf crop.                                               
Source: Livestock and Animal Products Section, Statistics Canada.               

Cattle and Calf Inventory by Class and Calf Crop - Canada:
January 1, 2014 and 2015
[Blank data cells indicate estimation period has not yet begun]
                                        :            :            :  2015 as   
                  Class                 :    2014    :    2015    :  percent   
                                        :            :            :  of 2014   
                                        :  ----- 1,000 head ----     percent   
Cattle and calves ......................:  12,220.0     11,915.0        98     
Cows and heifers that have calved ......:   4,862.6      4,781.1        98     
  Beef cows ............................:   3,903.3      3,824.4        98     
  Milk cows ............................:     959.3        956.7       100     
Heifers 1 year and over ................:   1,947.2      1,891.9        97     
  For beef cow replacement .............:     539.1        531.1        99     
  For milk cow replacement .............:     444.2        444.6       100     
  Other heifers ........................:     963.9        916.2        95     
Steers 1 year and over .................:   1,246.8      1,179.2        95     
Bulls 1 year and over ..................:     214.0        212.8        99     
Calves under 1 year ....................:   3,949.4      3,850.0        97     
Calf crop 1/ ...........................:   4,598.5                    (X)     
(X)  Not applicable.                                                           
1/ January to December calf crop.                                              
Source: Livestock and Animal Products Section, Statistics Canada.              

Sheep and Lamb Inventory by Class and Lamb Crop - United States and Canada:
January 1, 2010-2013
                    Class                    :  2010   :  2011   :  2012   :  2013   
                                             :              1,000 head               
All sheep and lambs .........................: 6,475.3   6,349.9   6,263.3   6,259.5 
Breeding sheep and lambs ....................: 4,826.9   4,735.5   4,666.0   4,659.5 
  Replacement lambs - under one year old ....:   730.5     747.0     746.2     760.1 
  Ewes - one year old and older .............: 3,875.7   3,772.2   3,722.9   3,692.6 
  Rams - one year old and older .............:   220.7     216.3     196.9     206.8 
Market sheep and lambs ......................: 1,648.4   1,614.4   1,597.3   1,600.0 
  Market sheep 1/ ...........................:    80.0      80.0      89.0      81.0 
  Market lambs 2/ ...........................: 1,568.4   1,534.4   1,508.3   1,519.0 
Lamb crop 3/ ................................: 4,405.7   4,316.0   4,272.0   4,202.0 
1/ United States market sheep only.                                                  
2/ Canada market lambs include small amounts of market sheep.                        
3/  January to December lamb crop.                                                   
Source: National Agricultural Statistics Service and Statistics Canada, Livestock and
Animal Products Section.                                                             

Sheep and Lamb Inventory by Class and Lamb Crop - United States and Canada:
January 1, 2014 and 2015
[Blank data cells indicate estimation period has not yet begun]
                                             :            :            :  2015 as   
                    Class                    :    2014    :    2015    :  percent   
                                             :            :            :  of 2014   
                                             :  ---- 1,000 head ----      percent   
All sheep and lambs .........................:  6,119.7      6,138.6        100     
Breeding sheep and lambs ....................:  4,562.3      4,583.0        100     
  Replacement lambs - under one year old ....:    719.8        730.0        101     
  Ewes - one year old and older .............:  3,641.7      3,652.8        100     
  Rams - one year old and older .............:    200.8        200.2        100     
Market sheep and lambs ......................:  1,557.4      1,555.6        100     
  Market sheep 1/ ...........................:     81.0         85.0        105     
  Market lambs 2/ ...........................:  1,476.4      1,470.6        100     
Lamb crop 3/ ................................:  4,281.0                     (X)     
(X)  Not applicable.                                                                
1/ United States market sheep only.                                                 
2/ Canada market lambs include small amounts of market sheep.                       
3/ January to December lamb crop.                                                   
Source: National Agricultural Statistics Service and Statistics Canada, Livestock   
and Animal Products Section.                                                        

Sheep and Lamb Inventory by Class and Lamb Crop - United States: January 1, 2010-2013
                    Class                    :  2010   :  2011   :  2012   :  2013   
                                             :              1,000 head               
All sheep and lambs .........................: 5,620.0   5,470.0   5,375.0   5,360.0 
Breeding sheep and lambs ....................: 4,185.0   4,070.0   3,995.0   3,985.0 
  Replacement lambs - under one year old ....:   655.0     665.0     660.0     670.0 
  Ewes - one year old and older .............: 3,335.0   3,215.0   3,165.0   3,135.0 
  Rams - one year old and older .............:   195.0     190.0     170.0     180.0 
Market sheep and lambs ......................: 1,435.0   1,400.0   1,380.0   1,375.0 
  Market sheep ..............................:    80.0      80.0      89.0      81.0 
  Market lambs ..............................: 1,355.0   1,320.0   1,291.0   1,294.0 
Lamb crop 1/ ................................: 3,570.0   3,490.0   3,445.0   3,370.0 
1/  January to December lamb crop.                                                   
Source: National Agricultural Statistics Service.                                    

Sheep and Lamb Inventory by Class and Lamb Crop - United States:
January 1, 2014 and 2015
[Blank data cells indicate estimation period has not yet begun]
                                             :            :            :  2015 as   
                    Class                    :    2014    :    2015    :  percent   
                                             :            :            :  of 2014   
                                             :  ---- 1,000 head ----      percent   
All sheep and lambs .........................:  5,245.0      5,280.0        101     
Breeding sheep and lambs ....................:  3,900.0      3,935.0        101     
  Replacement lambs - under one year old ....:    635.0        650.0        102     
  Ewes - one year old and older .............:  3,090.0      3,110.0        101     
  Rams - one year old and older .............:    175.0        175.0        100     
Market sheep and lambs ......................:  1,345.0      1,345.0        100     
  Market sheep ..............................:     81.0         85.0        105     
  Market lambs ..............................:  1,264.0      1,260.0        100     
Lamb crop 1/ ................................:  3,440.0                     (X)     
(X)  Not applicable.                                                                
1/ January to December lamb crop.                                                   
Source: National Agricultural Statistics Service.                                   

Sheep and Lamb Inventory by Class and Lamb Crop - Canada: January 1, 2010-2013
                    Class                    :  2010   :  2011   :  2012   :  2013   
                                             :              1,000 head               
All sheep and lambs .........................:  855.3     879.9     888.3     899.5  
Breeding sheep and lambs ....................:  641.9     665.5     671.0     674.5  
  Replacement lambs - under one year old ....:   75.5      82.0      86.2      90.1  
  Ewes - one year old and older .............:  540.7     557.2     557.9     557.6  
  Rams - one year old and older .............:   25.7      26.3      26.9      26.8  
Market sheep and lambs ......................:  213.4     214.4     217.3     225.0  
Lamb crop 1/ ................................:  835.7     826.0     827.0     832.0  
1/  January to December lamb crop.                                                   
Source: Statistics Canada, Livestock and Animal Products Section.                    

Sheep and Lamb Inventory by Class and Lamb Crop - Canada: January 1, 2014 and 2015
[Blank data cells indicate estimation period has not yet begun]
                                             :            :            :  2015 as   
                    Class                    :    2014    :    2015    :  percent   
                                             :            :            :  of 2014   
                                             :   --- 1,000 head ---       percent   
All sheep and lambs .........................:   874.7        858.6          98     
Breeding sheep and lambs ....................:   662.3        648.0          98     
  Replacement lambs - under one year old ....:    84.8         80.0          94     
  Ewes - one year old and older .............:   551.7        542.8          98     
  Rams - one year old and older .............:    25.8         25.2          98     
Market sheep and lambs ......................:   212.4        210.6          99     
Lamb crop 1/ ................................:   841.0                      (X)     
(X)  Not applicable.                                                                
1/ January to December lamb crop.                                                   
Source: Statistics Canada, Livestock and Animal Products Section.                   

This publication is a result of a joint effort by Statistics Canada and NASS 
to release the number of cattle and calves by class and calf crop for both 
countries within one publication. This information was requested by the 
United States cattle industry to provide producers additional information 
about potential beef, mutton and lamb supplies. United States inventory 
numbers were previously released on July 25, 2014.

Information Contacts

Listed below are the commodity specialists in the Livestock 
Branch of the National Agricultural Statistics Service to 
contact for additional information. E-mail inquiries may be sent 
to [email protected].

Dan Kerestes, Chief, Livestock Branch ........... (202) 720-3570

Scott Hollis, Head, Livestock Section ........... (202) 690-2424
   Travis Averill - Cattle, Cattle on Feed ...... (202) 720-3040
   Sherry Bertramsen - Livestock Slaughter ...... (202) 720-3240
   Doug Bounds - Hogs and Pigs .................. (202) 720-3106
   Donnie Fike - Dairy Products ................. (202) 690-3236
   Mike Miller - Milk Production and Milk Cows .. (202) 720-3278
   Evan Schulz - Sheep and Goats ................ (202) 720-6147

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