Plant15 Marks Five Years For High Oleic


(NAPS)—As farmers hustle to the fields for 2015 planting, high oleic soybeans are marking the fifth season in the eastern part of the U.S. soybean-growing region.

Beginning in limited areas of Ohio in 2011, high oleic has gradually expanded over the years to the nine states where the varieties will be planted this spring. The farmers who have planted the soybeans have seen them perform like competitive varieties on their farms. Performance coupled with added demand for enhanced soybean oil and the opportunities for premiums, have farmers returning to high oleic year after year. Here are five farmers that plan to do just that:

John Motter—Jenera, Ohio—5 years: Motter has been planting high oleic since the beginning. He started planting the varieties in 2011 and has since converted his entire soybean operation to high oleic. With new varieties each year, high oleic continues to meet his needs on his farm.

Steve Moore—Sudlersville, Maryland—3 years: Now in his third year of planting high oleic on the Delmarva Peninsula, Moore has seen high oleic soybeans perform in full-season and double-crop situations for his farm and neighboring farms. Moore’s ability to deliver to a local elevator makes the profit potential of high oleic soybeans even more attractive.

Kevin Wilson—Walton, Indiana—3 years: The choice to be a repeat high oleic grower has been an easy one for Wilson. He’s growing them for the third time and has committed his farm to growing them long term because of the potential demand. Wilson sees the opportunity to recapture lost food demand by providing an oil that meets customer needs.

Bill Beam—Elverson, Pennsylvania—2 years: Beam’s high oleic experience last year helped persuade him to expand his acreage this year. He saw the proof on his own farm that high oleic varieties perform with his other varieties. And the added profit opportunity with the processor-paid premium was icing on the cake for Beam as he decided whether to add to his operation in 2015.

Herb Miller—Niles, Michigan—1 year: Being close to a processor that focuses on specialty soybeans, Miller is familiar with the premium opportunities offered. Miller’s decision to grow high oleic soybeans for the first time this year came in response to the combination of demand potential, performance and profit opportunities that high oleic offers. While 2015 is his first year, Miller is confident that if he sees the same results as his fellow farmers, he’ll continue to grow them in years to come.

The soybean industry has set a goal of 18 million acres of high oleic soybeans planted by 2023. Through funding to help accelerate high oleic breeding and promotion to the food industry, the soy checkoff is helping to make this goal a reality. The industry expects high oleic soybeans to receive full global regulatory approval later this year, opening the door to expanded availability in 2016. Farmers interested in learning more about high oleic soybeans should visit

The 70 farmer-directors of the United Soybean Board (USB) oversee the investments of the soy checkoff to maximize profit opportunities for all U.S. soybean farmers. These volunteers invest and leverage checkoff funds to increase the value of U.S. soy meal and oil, to ensure U.S. soybean farmers and their customers have the freedom and infrastructure to operate, and to meet the needs of U.S. soy’s customers. As stipulated in the federal Soybean Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Act, the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service has oversight responsibilities for USB and the soy checkoff.

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