Making safe homemade ice cream


Adapted by Jessica Kovarik, RD, LD, former Extension Associate, from materials written by Karma Metzgar, Nutrition Specialist, Nodaway County, & Susan Mills-Gray, Nutrition Specialist, Cass County, University of Missouri Extension

At one time uncooked eggs were used to make ice cream, but now we know in order to reduce the risk of Salmonella poisoning, a custard-based recipe, an eggless recipe, or a recipe using an egg substitute should be used.

“Homemade ice cream is a special treat for many, but every year it causes several outbreaks of Salmonella infection with up to several hundred victims at church picnics, family reunions or other large gatherings,” says John Sheehan, director of the Food and Drug Administration’s Division of Dairy and Egg Safety. The ice cream ingredient responsible for the outbreaks: raw (uncooked) or undercooked eggs.

For safe alternatives to using raw eggs and other tips and recipes for making safe homemade ice cream, see the full version of this article at


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