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Yield, Milo

Travel, puppies and politics

Nevah and I ventured through our first post-Covid-two-vaccinations trip last weekend. We traveled to northwest Arkansas to visit with long-term accountant friend, ol’ P....

Color & commentaries

This is about my favorite time of the year. Why? My two favorite colors — purple and yellow — are everywhere I look, regardless...

“100-Cow Hill”

A week ago my near life-long buddy, ol’ Canby Handy from Platte City, Mo., and his son-in-law, Kiwi Bourne from Smithville, Mo., called and...

Eye See

A farmer, ol’ Downen D. Dumps, goes into his bank and finds a new ag loan officer who brisky wants to see his cash...

B.C., A.D. and C.V.?

I think we humans are going to have to modernize the way we measure the history of time. Sound confusing? Let me explain: Up...

Losing “friends” and corn shelling adventure

In the last week or so, I had to part company with two long-time friends. Happily, neither parting wuz sad. However, one was a...

“Meat-Out Day.” Good grief!

Spring has sprung and the early arrivals keep showing up. In the last few days the killdeers and buzzards and mourning doves have arrived...

Elder note: CV vaccine can affect your vision

Well, good folks, it finally happened. We got enough rain for the runoff to fill our 4-acre leaky pond. More than 2-inches of rain...

“Down Nostalgia Lane” & Book List

Time marches on, but nostalgia lingers on. That truism wuz revealed to me last week when ol’ Nevah and I drove to southeast Kansas...

Hog Do-Do Deodorizer

Well, Kansas proved once again to me that it’s got few peers in terms of changeable weather patterns. While we in the Flint Hills...
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