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Ham Sauces

This week I have decided to take a bit of ‘turn’ in the column. To not only address a couple of easy ham sauce...

“Other” side of Country Roads

I can’t recall such a long stretch of frigid winter weather in Kansas — complete with sub-zero temperatures, some snow and lots of wind...


The greatest deception men suffer is from their own opinions. Leonardo da Vinci I get a lot of comments from readers who take exception to some...

The ghosts of Harry Lime

A half-dozen or more Covid-19 vaccines are now at work in the global battle against the pandemic. From the United States there are Pfizer,...

Strike it Rich with a Bovine Lightening Rod

Br-r-r-r-r! Winter finally arrived a week late. Usually the coldest days of winter are centered around my birthday, Jan. 30. But this year, a...


“IGNORANCE HAS ALYAYS BEEN THE WEAPON OF TYRANTS; ENLIGHTENMENT THE SALVATION OF THE FREE.” Bill Richardson One stroke of a pen and the disregard for the lives...

Simple Sauces

Well, about all I can say is ‘What a week!’ Out of five days I got to the office two, all accompanied by my...

Cold Increases Ranch Issues

“Everything gets tested when temperatures stay below freezing for more than a week.” Most all in production agriculture and many urbanites as well have found...

College Cowboy Is Team Roping Specialist Looking To A Finance Career In The Office And On Horseback

Growing up with a rope in hand sets the life for a champion cowboy “I’ve been competing in rodeos nearly all of my life and...

Mange, Mange Go Away

I never feel like I catch as many coyotes as I should, so now that we had a little snow on the ground, I...
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big iron
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