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I Remember The Truth is just around the corner

By Doris Schroeder Just think, by now, we will have our answer...at least in the grand country of freedom, the United States of America. Will...

Values and honesty

In an election year we have heard a lot from candidates about their belief in values. The implication, mostly, is that one candidate has...

Broadcasters love speed; do viewers understand?

As the baseball season ends with the Cubs’ astonishing World Series victory, so ends the broadcasters’ obsession with the radar gun and the speed...

The Covered Dish: Creamy Vegetable Bisque

  Debbie Dance Uhrig This week I’m presenting a brand new recipe that my staff says is wonderful! Actually one of the team said this bisque should...

Now That’s Rural: Heather Morgan – Project 17

  By Ron Wilson, director of the Huck Boyd National Institute for Rural Development at Kansas State University. What’s your platform? No, not fancy shoes or the...

Who Will Rule?

By: Tonya Stevenson Disillusioned with man and life, you bet!   Where is goodness, justice, truth and love?  It seems evil prevails, nowhere is that more...

For The Love Of Horses: Replica Bronze Statue Dedicated In Memory, Honor Of  U.S. Marine’s Famous  Pack Horse

By Frank J. Buchman Staff Sgt. Reckless wasn't just a horse, she was a Marine who served in the Korean War. A bronze replica was dedicated...

Fall Gathering Of Generations

        It was roundup time at the ranch. Calf crop was trapped earlier. This was eight foals. Not admirable; horses today are handled...

The Covered Dish: Sweet Potato Soufflé

Debbie Dance Uhrig It’s always fun to take a recipe you’ve made for years and re-invent.  This week I’m looking at a sweet potato soufflé...

Stealing My Own Money

  Years ago I owned a livestock newspaper and a purebred breeder owed us a lot of money for advertising he purchased in advance of...
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