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What Makes a Healthy Diet?

A healthy diet doesn't require a lot of money, newfangled appliances or subsisting on any kind of scheme that sounds like a gimmick. Because it's true...

Healthy Eating

Healthy eating is not about strict dietary limitations, staying unrealistically thin, or depriving yourself of the foods you love. Rather, it’s about feeling great,...

Hydration, Why It’s So Important

Path to improved wellness You should drink water every day. Most people have been told they should drink 6 to 8, 8-ounce glasses of water...

The New Year is a great time to encourage the adolescents in our lives to increase their physical activity to improve their current and...

The Key to Feeling Well Rested isn’t just the Amount of Time You Sleep

A DARK NIGHT IS GOOD FOR YOUR HEALTH Today most people do not get enough sleep. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has...

Why You Should Stand at Work for 2 Hours a Day

We’ve known for some time that too much sitting increases your risk of diabetes, certain cancers, heart disease and early death. But until now it’s been...

7 Tips for Better Hydration

But first, why am I talking about drinking more water anyway? Water is the fluid that lubricates our systems and keeps us healthy and vibrant. Think...

“I’m Tired of Being Tired!”

I hear it from mom’s all the time…you’re tired and worn out!  You work so hard taking care of your family, your home, and your...

Simple and Sustainable Ways to Become a Healthier You in 2019

Around the new year, most of us vow to make drastic changes to our diet or lifestyle. For some that means adopting a strict...

Fast Food or Healthy Food?

Nutritionist says you can do both   Smart choices, planning ahead can make eating on the go more healthy   MANHATTAN, Kan. – In the rush of daily...
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