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Spittlebugs on Eastern Redbud

The two-lined spittlebug derives its name from the white, frothy" spittle" the nymphs produce. Adults are large, black leafhoppers about 1/3-inch long with two...

Walnut Caterpillars

If you notice leaves disappearing from walnut trees, it may be walnut caterpillars. Walnut caterpillars attack primarily black walnut, pecan, and several species of hickory...

Herbicide Drift Damage

There have been many concerned calls to state specialists and county agents this spring and summer about cupped and curled leaves on landscape trees...

Japanese Beetles

Japanese beetles have become a firmly established pest species in portions of Kansas. Potential damage is twofold. Most commonly, Japanese beetles indiscriminately feed on...

K-State Olathe Horticulture Center Field Day is July 25

OLATHE, Kan. — The hottest, newest plants will be on view and classes in air-conditioned comfort will be available at the K-State Olathe Horticulture...

Watching for Webworms in Nebraska and Kansas

by Laurie Stepanek, Nebraska Forest Service It’s not too early to look for fall webworm. The large, unsightly webbed nests constructed by fall webworm are...

Tan or White Drupelets on Blackberry and Raspberry Fruit

Blackberry and raspberry fruit will often develop white or tan drupelets on the berry. Though we are not completely sure of the cause, two...

Kansas Fruit Tree Care: Dealing with Heavy fruit loads

Heavy fruit loads this season may cause limbs to break if they are not given extra support. As fruits increase in size, the additional...


Bermudagrass Control Bermudagrass can make a nice lawn if you don't mind its invasiveness and short growing season. But many people dislike both these characteristics....

Fall garden

By: Scott Eckert, County Extension Agent, Horticulture   It?s July so let?s talk about fall gardening! Fall is an excellent time for gardening in Kansas. A...
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