EPT courses offered to high school students in Wichita


credit: Pratt Community College

With lineman being in such high demand right now all over the country, Pratt Community College has decided to offer another option for students to get a headstart on their degree.

PCC is partnering with Wichita Public Schools, Westar Energy and Wichita Area Technical College to deliver courses on East High School’s campus to juniors and seniors.

“We have had a lot of interest coming from the schools in Wichita and from Maize,” said Joe Varrientos, vice president of instruction. “It only makes sense for us to start something to meet the demand.”

Arrangements have been made with all schools in the Wichita area to bus students to East High School for the courses.

Tuition and general fees are waives for all of the courses.

“This is a great way for students to get a headstart on their degree,” Varrientos said. “It allows them to get some classes out of the way when the tuition is free and allows them to see if this is really what they want to do before getting to college.”

Students taking the courses will learn theory, design, construction and maintenance, along with pole climbing, as a pole field is being erected on the southeast side of campus.

Students who take EPT courses all four semesters- will have a total of 10 hours when they graduate high school. Students can then finish their associate’s degree at PCC’s Wichita, Pratt or Coffeyville campus.


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