Wade Your Way Into Waterfowl Season


When one door closes, another opens, and with the close of teal season, waterfowlers can now enjoy the opening of the 2016 Kansas duck seasons. Listed below are the Kansas duck zones and their associated season dates where hunters can begin pursuing early migrants like gadwall, wigeon, pintails, redhead, and shovelers in some areas as early as Oct. 8.


High Plains Zone: Oct. 8, 2016-Jan. 1, 2017 and Jan. 20-29, 2017

Low Plains Early Zone: Oct. 8-Dec. 4, 2016 and Dec. 17, 2016-Jan. 1, 2017

Low Plains Late Zone: Oct. 29, 2016-Jan. 1, 2017 and Jan. 21-29, 2017

Low Plains Southeast Zone: Nov. 12, 2016-Jan. 1, 2017 and Jan. 7-29, 2017


High Plains Zone: Oct. 1-2, 2016

Low Plains Early Zone: Oct. 1-2, 2016

Low Plains Late Zone: Oct. 22-23, 2016

Low Plains Southeast Zone: Nov. 5-6, 2016

Hunters, including youth during youth seasons, may take six ducks daily, which in any combination, may include no more than 5 mallards (only two of which may be hens); 3 wood ducks; 3 scaup; 2 pintails; 2 redheads; and 2 canvasbacks. Possession limit is three times the daily bag limit.

Licensed hunters must have a State Waterfowl Permit, $10, and a Kansas Harvest Information Program (HIP) Permit, $2.50, to hunt ducks, geese, or mergansers in Kansas. All waterfowl hunters age 16 and older must also have a Federal Waterfowl Stamp, $26.50.

For more information on duck hunting in Kansas, consult the 2016 Kansas Hunting and Furharvesting Regulations Summary available wherever licenses are sold, and online at ksoutdoors.com.


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