Lightning fact sheet


Rebecca S. Blocker, Housing and Environmental Design Specialist, University of Missouri Extension

With thunderstorm season upon us, understanding lightning can help you make safer decisions when storms threaten.

  • If you hear thunder, lightning is near. Just because it’s not raining, doesn’t mean you aren’t in danger.
  • Most people are struck by lightning before or after the thunderstorm.
  • Lightning kills more people in the U.S. than tornadoes and hurricanes combined.
  • Outdoor sports have the fastest rising lightning casualty rate.
  • The National Weather Service and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reports top activities for lightning deaths are in open fields, under trees, water-related activities, golfing, open vehicles, using the telephone and using radio equipment.

To reduce your risk of injury or death, follow the 30/30 Rule and use the Flash to Bang Calculator…

For more information and safety tips, see the full version of this article at


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