Chronicles of The Farm Woman: Eight grade graduation


Farm families can get up and hustle around in wartime when the occasion demands.  Mostly they go by old time because farm routine year in and year out is geared to daylight and not daylight savings.  Eighth grade com-mencement is one of the exceptions, and the graduates and their parents were in town in their best bib and tucker Thursday morning at 9 o’clock.  Many folk had done a half day’s work before they came.  Water had to be left for the chickens all day and also for the young calves.  They simply turned their backs on weeds and alfalfa mowing and cultivating.  The dog was left in charge for the day and the whole family was off for the county seat at 8 o’clock.

The exercises didn’t begin at 9 o’clock, but the graduates had to be there to get in line alphabetically for the processional and to receive last-minute instructions.

Every girl had on a brand new dress and most of them had a brand new permanent also.  Twenty-five years from now likely not one girl will be able to recall who the speakers were, who presented the diplomas, yet each one will be able to tell you what kind of a dress she had for the occasion.  Nature seems to have a far greater variety in sizes of 14-year-old boys than in girls of the same age.  Big or little they all had their hair slicked down.  Forward looking mothers had seen to it that new suits were plenty big to allow room for growth.

Everyone will have to put in good hard licks to make up for the day in town, but it was worth it.  Eight grade graduation is one of the high spots in the life of a country child.                     


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