The Idea that changed the world. 


500th anniversary of the Reformation.

                          by Sandra Coleman

Martin Luther performed no miracles, did not claim to be a prophet, never suggested that God spoke directly to him. He simply read the Word of God and was

astounded by the Truth it revealed. This 16th Century German reformer, who translated the Bible from the Greek and Hebrew, took God seriously, His will, His work, and His ways.   Luther was on a quest to find peace of conscience, and, for that, he could have easily been burned at the stake. The idea that changed the world: God forgives on account of Jesus Christ. His initial conflict with the Roman church was over the penitential system that helped people deal with their sins through works of satisfaction and the purchasing of indulgences. People were being told that by buying indulgences they could actually shorten their punishment beyond the grave in a place called purgatory. Scripture convinced Luther that once you die, you are in the hands of God alone. It also convinced him that the work of Christ is received by the individual through faith alone.

Nothing prescribed by the church could add to the work of Christ. Christ alone saves. His famous words, “ I am bound to my conscience and the Word of God”  have echoed throughout history.

On Saturday, October 28, from 5:00-6:30 PM St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Haven, Ks. will have a Reformation picnic with games and activities for all ages. The community is invited.

Following the picnic at 7:00, there will be a showing of the documentary “Martin Luther: An Idea That Changed the World.”On Sunday, October 29, a Reformation Service at 10:30 AM will be followed by a German pot-luck meal.

“I more fear what is within me, than what comes from without.” Martin Luther


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