I remember: Keep going ahead


By Doris Schroeder

We have all read about the things that have transpired in 2016 and at this point realize anew how we need to pursue the new year and do it right. Because of our human fragilities, however, we admit we can not do it by ourselves. As we start out again, a little bit older and wiser (perhaps) we realize how inadequate we are. It is only by following someone who has all knowledge and power that we can even begin to do what is necessary.

Let’s face it, we are all a year older and a few more weaknesses have come along. The fact is, however, that because we are still here, isn’t because we are so good, but because God still has something for us to do. So let’s check it out and see if we are on the right page. We have already had a “taste of life, ”be it bitter or sweet!

We do need help, right? So where are we going to get it? The first step, of course, is to be in tune with the One who made the world and knows everything about it since He is the one who created us. If we have accepted Him into our life as our own personal savior, we can ask Him for help in all our endeavors.

No, it’s not always the way we specify because our plans are only from a human standpoint, He can, however, work it out to our good. For instance, all five of our grandsons are very busy in their own lives. That’s why it was such a treat to find a paper tube on our front porch when I picked up the paper early one morning. It had been delivered by Federal Express, and it made me curious. “Now, who in the world would send us something in a paper tube for Christmas?”

Immediately the name of our youngest grandson Mike entered my mind. He has a vivid imagination, likes to write and do things a little “out of the ordinary!” I finally got the tube open and rolled out a large paper picture with some  six cartoonish pictures  of people on them. Let’s see, there was John and Doris and Quintin and Ella on the two top corners, Judy and Stan in the middle, Ryan and Melissa and Mike and Samantha as well as Maxwell and Maddox  at the bottom, with caption JUHNKE FAMILY TREE in caps.

Now most of the others had sent cards to eat out with to our favorite restaurants and they were and are greatly enjoyed by us. It is fun, however, to get something you have been surprised with and that describes our youngest to a T! It brightened up our life. Actually, he’s the one that was going to run for president of the United States in 2020. I do, however, think he has changed his mind by this time as he has seen how much work it takes.

We did indeed enjoy our five grandsons as they grew up to the nth degree.  We can say with utmost conviction “Grandchildren are the absolute prime of life!”

As the new year came around, John and I got out all the ingredients to the German New Year’s Cookies and spent a whole Saturday morning frying, frosting and bagging them to take to some of our friends. Now, don’t feel bad if you didn’t get any, cause they are only good when they’re fresh.  We ran out of energy before we made them for ALL our friends…maybe next year! ( See Recipe)

Starting a new year gives a fresh start and as a country with a new leader will make for some interesting times. We can remember that to “make our country great,” it takes all of us doing our part, using whatever God has given us to use. so let’s all get busy for 2017 and keep going ahead! If you need some joy, try the new year cookies recipe below!

Doris welcomes your comments and can be reached at [email protected]


German New Year Cookies Recipe

( makes about 60 large or 80 small)


4 pkg. yeast                              8 T. sugar

1 1/2 c. water                            2 tsp. vanilla

6 eggs, slightly beaten             2 tsp. salt

1 c. milk                                    6 c. sifted flour

3 c. raisins


Dissolve yeast in water. Add eggs, milk, sugar, vanilla and flour. Mix well. Add raisins which have been washed and dusted with flour. Let rise and drop by spoon in hot fat and fry to desired shade of light brown. Dry and dip in powdered sugar icing made of powdered sugar, vanilla and water. Drain on rack.



Try not to eat too many while making them or you won’t have any left to give away!



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